
Tuesday 24 May 2016

New teachers for Sam, making it fair in the family...

With Fernanda gone since the beginning of May (see post of week 5 further down), her classes of 4th and 1st had to be covered somehow, until another teacher magically shows up, so teacherMaddy and teacherMattia stepped up and offered to add 45 minutes each morning to their schedule, to teach 1st, while coordinatorCarlin is back to class (as she was before Mattia arrived) to cover 4th in the afternoon.
Why is all this interesting for you? Not only to see how good teachers are, but mostly to realise that this way, even though only for 45 minutes and as an interim solution, DaddyMattia is now teaching Sam too! The boy is happy to be like Michele, Mattia likes first class and Sam's presence as well, so everything's fine, apart from a busier day for Mattia... (at the moment, 33 hrs and 15 minutes with students (!), plus several hours of preparation&co, and at least half an hour of teachers' meeting, per week).

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