
Saturday 9 July 2016

June's family tales

As you might have understood, our neighbourhood doesn't offer much as to entertainment or just any kind of activities, especially if Profe Mattia, tired and stressed from his classes, doesn't feel like organising the ever-harder-to-manage football-hour in the little cancha in the late afternoon, so we definitely owe the kids and ourselves some escape from the roof over the weekends, using our birthday presents' money (thanks!) for transport, activities and some fancy food, which simply means anything different from the usual rice&something menu.
We've done another museums (this time the excellent, though serious, Popol Vuh, on Maya's history and crafts) and the little lovely Botanical Gardens (together with the small but nice Museo de Historia Natural) but most of all, on one day of the mid-year vacation week, we traveled to Puerto San José, which was great fun for the three boys, body-surfing on the huge crashing ways! We felt the real heat of the tropics, not mitigated by altitude, and the return journey on a very crowded bus, with the boys in our laps to save space for other passengers and money for our pockets, was quite long, but we all really loved the day, for the thrill of being on the Pacific Ocean (a first for M&S, while M&E had already experienced it on the other side, in the Philippines 12 years ago), for the extreme fun in the water and for the delicious fish.
Enjoy clicking around for pictures, or go to the gallery page, from where you can try also the June...mala album for other various shots (including flowers, cloud and some good engineering by the 3 boys) and the Roof with a view one, for rare clear views of our volcanoes.

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