
Saturday 6 August 2016

Family life, in pictures

So, what are we doing here?
Well, the children go to school from early morning to mid-afternoon (don't worry, they are not overburdened with work...), go now swimming three times a week (if not coughing mad like Mickey this past week and a half) and running with daddy and friends the other two days.
And the old ones? They work. Oh, you want to know more? Blame yourselves, then!
Elena - ready? Off we go: health lessons, training for parents and teachers, P.E. one day a week, early stimulation for children with some sort of delay, children growth and development assessment, volunteers coordinator, accompanying and organising the dental programme and we're surely forgetting something.
Mattia - easier, don't worry: getting stressed, professional, also known as teaching English in 3rd (at times can be hard) and 6th (madness) / some P.E. (wild beasts permitting) on Friday morning / athletics 4 afternoons per week (1 hour).

Luckily, the weekend then comes and despite Saturday morning being mostly dedicated to room cleaning and big weekly laundry, we try to go and refresh our minds going away for with nice trips of various sorts, usually in the city but fortunately not always; as the new series of pictures from July can testify, we seem to be making a good job at this, as they were all good moments!

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