
Sunday, 15 May 2016

Mother's day

Big thing around here (click!): on Monday, celebration at school, with all morning dedicated to show mothers the various dances and other presentation prepared by the classes, give them all the crafts and feed them, then off for the afternoon. Mattia's classes prepared something in English too, nothing special but a good excuse for some good work in class the previous week, a bit as it happened with Poetry Day.
On Tuesday it was official Mother's Day, so only some classes had lessons (those with non-mother teachers), but only for the morning and anyway all English teachers were off.
Michele and Sam enjoyed their acts and working on the crafts, Mummy enjoyed receiving gifts, so all was good, apart from our ears not enjoing hearing the latest Mother's song over and over again: at school on Monday, then on the radio everywhere on Tuesday and even later in the week...

Addition: when we thought it was all over, on Saturday afternoon there was a Mother's Party right opposite our building, with plenty of action, though we skipped it as we first took Michele and Sam to a friend's house and then preferred taking advantage of the quiet time to get some things done at home and rest a short while. However, at the beginning, from our terrace, it was fun to see some performers on stilts and other acrobatic devices and to hear music played on the national instrument, the marimba (quite similar to a xylophone), though it was very soon replaced by useless pop or by the silly shouts of the clown, from the loud speakers.

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